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πŸŽ„βœ¨πŸ©Ί “Elf Check-Up Time at Grove Medical Victoria Park! πŸŽ„βœ¨πŸ©Ί

Today, our adventurous Elf on the Shelf, ‘Dr. Jingle McTinsel’, is going through his routine health check-up! πŸ§β€β™‚οΈπŸ₯
πŸ“Έ First up: Blood Pressure Check! Dr. Jingle is sitting like a champ, arm outstretched, while our nurse gently wraps the tiniest blood pressure cuff around his arm. He’s keeping so still, you’d almost think he’s back on the shelf! But no, he’s just being an excellent patient. πŸ’ͺ🩹
Next, it’s time to measure his height. Standing tall (well, as tall as an elf can!), Dr. Jingle is showing us that even the smallest among us can stand proud and healthy. πŸ“πŸŒŸ
Dr. Jingle’s message: Regular check-ups are key to staying on top of your health, no matter your size or age! πŸŽ…
Is it time for your check-up too? Don’t wait for the New Year to start your health resolutions. Book an appointment with us today and let’s make sure you’re in tip-top shape for the holidays!


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